Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey about the use of interactive web-based software in your teaching of mathematics. Just copy and paste this survey into your word processing program. Next type an ìxî in the appropriate space. All your responses will be kept confidential. Results will be published on my web page when analysis is complete. When finished please return this as an attached file to Dr. Marcia L. Tharp at: If you have questions you may call me at: 757-822-1327.





Put an ìxî by one of the following:


1) I am an:Ý ÝÝ administrator___ÝÝÝÝ ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ math instructor___Ý

Other (Name position)___________________________________________

2) I use the following interactive software to web-enhance my math course the most.

LiveMath ___ÝÝ Scientific Notebook___ÝÝÝÝ Math CAD____Ý Flash____ÝÝÝ JAVA Script_____

Other (Please name it.)______________________________________

3) Rate your ability to use this software.

New User___ÝÝ Intermediate Ability___ÝÝÝ Advanced Ability___

4) Number of instructors I have helped to learn this software are:

0____ ÝÝÝ 1-10___ ÝÝÝÝ11-20__ÝÝÝÝÝ 21 or more____

5) The number of workshops I have given to other instructors about how to make and use interactive web pages for math is:

0____ÝÝ 1-10____ÝÝÝÝ 11-20____ÝÝÝ 21 or more___




DIRECTIONS: Below are a series of statements concerning the use of web enhancements that are interactive by you and your colleagues. Read each statement and place an "x" mark between the parentheses under the label that comes closest to indicate how you feel about your work with this medium and fostering its use. There are no correct or incorrect responses to these statements. If you neither agree nor disagree with a statement, place a check mark between the parentheses under the neutral (N) label. Do not spend too much time on any one statement, but give the response that seems to describe how you feel about the course. Please respond to all items.

Strongly Agree (SA),ÝÝ Agree (A),ÝÝ Neutral (N),ÝÝÝ Disagree (D),ÝÝÝ Strongly Disagree (SD)


6) I find the use of interactive web-based software

ÝÝÝ to teach math beneficial to my students learning.






(ÝÝ )

( ÝÝ)

( ÝÝÝ)

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)

7) Using interactive web-based software has made it easier for my students to discover patterns used in algebraic processes.

(ÝÝ )

( ÝÝ)

( ÝÝÝ)

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)

8) My students enjoy using interactive web-based programs to learn math.

(ÝÝ )

( ÝÝ)

(Ý ÝÝ)

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)

9) My administration supports the use of the Internet to teach math.

(ÝÝ )

( ÝÝ)

( ÝÝÝ)

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)

10) My college has ample funding for technology.

(ÝÝ )

( ÝÝ)

( ÝÝÝ)

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)

11) Computers and equipment to use interactive web-based software is not readily availableÝ for use.

(Ý Ý)

( ÝÝ)

(Ý ÝÝ)

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)

12) My college willingly hosts workshops toÝ teach instructors how to use web-based interactive software in mathematics.

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)

(Ý ÝÝ)

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)

13) My college willingly supports faculty attendance at conferences where interactive web-based mathematics technology is demonstrated through workshops.

(ÝÝ )

( ÝÝ)

(Ý ÝÝ)

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)

14) My colleagues look favorably on the use of the Internet to web-enhance a course.

(ÝÝ )

( ÝÝ)

( ÝÝÝ)

(ÝÝ )

(Ý Ý)



ÝBelow are two free response items. Please type your answer below the question.


(15) List factors that supported your efforts to teach others to use interactiveÝ

ÝÝÝÝÝÝ web-based software to build web pages for their math classes.Ý









(16) List factors that reduced your ability to teach others how to use interactive

ÝÝÝÝÝÝ web-based software to build web pages for their math classes.